Conference on ethics in fundraising (26 November 2020)
Ethics in Fundraising, how do we really have to understand and interpret this in a philosophical and practical way?
The conceptual framework in which we debate is never really clear, the keynote of any debate about ethics in the fundraising world too often negative, the solution invariably new control mechanisms and rules, soon to be ignored by someone in the survival of the fittest and battle for the euro and donor’s attention . Too often and too easily, we use the words “ethical” and “unethical” as container concepts that become seemingly self-evident and generalistic by sticking them to something we value or don’t value as individuals . However, they are not without moral obligation and can always get a completely different meaning, context and consequence depending on what loudest voice imposes its ethical stamp.
When we talk ethics we often talk about not putting unnecessary pressure on donors, not burdening them with guilt, not using images that are respectless for the ultimate beneficiaries, not spending too much money on fundraising and of course techniques that we use as Fundraisers, such as tele- or streetmarketing. Often referred to as unethical and unprofitable but used by thousands of organisations with high ethical standards all over the globe. On the other hand, when we use digital tools or accept money from lotterys, we don’t ask ethical questions too often, or at least not too loudly. Because they are uncomfortable questions or take place in a playing field that’s way beyond our span of control. Moreover, if we set up collaborations with business players, any meaningful ethical debate is all of a sudden completely lost and overwhelmed by personal emotion. Bluntly said, organisations often present themselves as more sacred than the Pope himself and at the same time they really need this variety on Fundraising tools to achieve results and get their goals funded.
As networking and learning platform, FAB is really excited to give a forum to an inspiring mix of Fundraisers, service providers, philosophers, ethicists, business leaders, etc. We will challenge them, without fear nor taboo, with a number of pertinent questions regarding ethics in fundraising as critical guidance for our moral behavior.
At the same conference KU Leuven will present the first results on a doctoral research on ‘Ethics in Fundraising’. The study among other things gauges the perceptions and opinions of Flemish donors with regard to the various fundraising activities that charitable organizations can undertake.
Not to be missed for anyone who wants to point their moral fundraising compass in the right direction!
More information on the speakers and debate will be added soon.
From 09.00 am to 12.30 pm.
@ Brussels (exact location to be confirmed)
Language (slides in English, spoken language in Dutch (and French))
Mail if you have trouble registering.
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